Write Original, Fresh Content Always

Make your writing interesting and entertaining every time

Warren Brown
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2021


It can be a challenge writing new and original content every time. Most of the topics which any writer would love to write about have already been presented in a number of ways by several writers over the years.

Here are a few ideas on keeping your content fresh:

Monotony: This happens when every article you write sounds the same to you. Try to change the style of the beginning, middle, and end of each article.

Taking Risks: Always try a new approach when you write. Surprise and present unexpected ideas. All writers need to take risks when writing, in order to challenge themselves to find more creative ways to present their subjects.

Writer Role Model: If you have a favorite writer, try to learn their style of writing. Most writers have a favorite writer they like to go back to due to a special feature that appeals to them.

Opinions Matter: Have an opinion about everything in life. There are so many issues in the world today and everyone has an opinion about them. Express your views and it will definitely resonate with some of your readers who think like you.

